The AMRA (American Mining Rights Association) is having another fun and exciting outing! Free and open to the public.
Bring your friends and family! New to prospecting or curious? Let them know and they will teach you how to find gold in the desert. You keep all the gold you find!
Free camping at Slash X’s RV-friendly dry camping property or just visit for the day!
Bring everything you’ll need to have a great weekend of fun and fellowship. All claims access have been generously donated for the AMRA outing to raise funds by Route 66, Temecula Valley, High Desert Gold Diggers, and The Outlaw Prospectors for this weekend only and all the gold you find is yours to keep.
For More information visit: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=djgo8s7ab&oeidk=a07ei9rkltu5f7d213f&condition=SO_OVERRIDE
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