Doing some internet surfing I stumbled across the Big Thunder Gold Mine in Keystone, SD. They have mine tours, museum tours and you can do some gold panning on site. Plus, they’ll even take you out for some real prospecting out into the hills, if you have the time.
Author: Dan Page 8 of 24
Montana Gems of Philipsburg! Located in historic Philipsburg, MT – just 78 miles southeast of Missoula, Montana and 60 miles west of Butte, Montana on the Pintler Scenic Highway.
What!? East Coast?? Yeah, over in New England Jim and his buddies are teaching classes on how to pan and sluice for gold. And look at the size of the nuggets. Pretty good, if you ask me. I would love to see that in my pan!
They’re taking booking for next season, so be sure to reserve your spot early. I think I might have to take an East Coast trip next summer. Visit my daughter in Minnesota, and swing on by New England for some GOLD!
This November the Death Valley 49ers are putting on their Annual Death Valley Encampment.
Man, they have a bunch of stuff going on for the weekend. These five days are filled with events including old-time and western-style music, an Invitational Western Art Show, craft shows, golf and horseshoe tournaments, a pioneer costume contest, 4X4 tours, wagon train and horse parades, community breakfasts and our annual Worlds Lowest 1849 Poker Tournament.
Make sure to visit their website ( to get all the details! And did I mention the contests! There’s a pioneer costume contest, a gold panning contest, and a wheel barrow race. And it’s pet friendly. They even have a “Pampered Pet Parade“.
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