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Tag: dredging

anything to do with gold dredging

California Gives the Green Light on Underwater Suction Mining!

So it looks like Dave McCracken from the New 49ers in Northern California has devised a way to get to those underwater pay streaks we all dream about; but have been unable to pursue due to the current regulations of the California Department of Fish & Game. He has devised a way to “transfer” NOT “dredge” the underwater gravel from the bottom to a holding location to be processed later. Since he is not running the gravel through a sluice box, it doesn’t count as “suction dredging”.

From the New 49ers Website:

I am very happy to announce that on April 19th, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) denied a recent Petition from the Center for Biological Diversity which attempted to expand the regulatory definition of “suction dredge” to include our new method of underwater suction mining. Had the Petition been approved, our new method would have been prevented by California’s existing state-wide moratorium on suction dredge mining.

Amongst other reasons for denying the Petition, DFW pointed out that the Karuks and their allies had plenty of opportunity to expand the regulatory definition when they participated in the multi-million dollar administrative process that was formally completed about a year ago.

See the full story on the New 49er Website:  CLICK HERE

Gold in Norway

Cool video showing how they dredge in Norway. Looks like they do just like us! lol


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