Biggest online listings of prospecting vacation locations. If you want to look for Gold or Gems, this is the place to find your adventure!

Tag: gem hunting

Discover Moose Mountain Adventure Park: Mini-Golf & Gem Sluicing

I found this cool amusement park in Maine with mini-golf and sluiceing for gems! It’s called the Moose Mountain Adventure Park in Richmond, ME. It looks like they close for winter, so make sure to stop by when it warms up.

From their website:

Nestled in the heart of Richmond, Maine, Moose Mountain Adventure Park invites families and friends to indulge in an unforgettable adventure. Experience our 18-hole mini golf course, designed with accessibility in mind, and dive into the wild with our Maine-themed obstacles, including a tree house, campfire, beaver dam, and captivating waterfalls. Our course is a tribute to the beauty and wilderness of Maine, featuring local wildlife sculptures that bring the experience to life.

Live in WA State and like geodes?

Check out this article on where to find geodes in WA.

Gem-O-Rama 2016!! Oct 8-9 (Trona, CA)

gem-o-rama_PinkHaliteLedge3Holy smokes this looks like the funnest trip I’ve found so far! Every year in Trona, California hundreds of people gather for the one of the biggest gem hunts of the year. If you like gems and crystals, digging through mud, and generally having a great time… this one if for you! It only
cost $15 – $20 per car depending on what your after and where you dig.

A little excerpt from the Trona Gem Club website:

For many visitors, the pink halite field trip is the highlight of the weekend.

This field trip starts new each year because the field trip area floods each winter.  Any pink halite in the collecting area left behind after last year’s show is dissolved in this water.  The photograph below, looking south from the main road intersection on the field trip, shows the collecting on February 26, 2000.  Clearly, both sides of North-South Road are flooded with no dry surface.lakefeb00

Over the course of the hot, dry summer, the water evaporates from the surface of these ponds, providing an opportunity for salt crystals to grow slowly.  Under these slow crystallization conditions, individual salt crystals can become quite large – up to 2 inches across. READ MORE


GPAA: Gold Prospectors to Host Gold & Treasure Show in Pomona, Calif. Feb. 7-8

Gold FlyerThe GPAA Gold & Treasure Shows, which are open to the public, were started decades ago by GPAA founder George Massie to introduce people to gold prospecting and to teach them how and where to find their own gold. Besides being a lot of fun, the purpose of the gold shows is to remind everyone that gold prospecting and small-scale gold mining are still a way of life for hundreds of thousands of people across the United States. Gold mining is an integral part of American culture, heritage, world history and our economy.


New Gem Location in Montana

gem mountain mt 2A new site has been added to the gem list! Gem Mountain Montana in Philipsburg, MT. Search for sapphires at their mine location, their downtown store, or order online! Yes, you can order gem material online and have it shipped to you!!


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